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This plan will present a holistic, well-defined strategy to reduce roadway fatalities and serious injuries in the southeastern Arizona.


The Southeast Arizona Safety Plan will analyze safety needs, identify high-risk locations and factors contributing to crashes, and prioritize strategies to address them.


The Southeast Arizona Transportation Safety Plan will meet eligibility requirements that allow local jurisdictions to apply for Implementation Grants from the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program (



Develop a holistic strategy to reduce roadway fatalities and serious injuries in communities in the southeastern Arizona.


The Southeast Arizona Transportation Safety Plan will

  • Analyze safety needs

  • Identify high-risk locations and factors contributing to crashes

  • Prioritize strategies to address them using engineering, enforcement, education, and emergency response


Study Area

The Southeast Arizona Transportation Safety Plan is inclusive of the SEAGO and SVMPO planning areas, which includes the entirety of Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, and Santa Cruz Counties.


Equity Considerations

This plan will be developed using inclusive and representative processes. In partnership with the planning teams, this project will identify and address concerns in underserved communities. To learn more about these requirements, visit:

Project Overview


What is a Strategic Transportation Safety Plan?

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